JSC NC QazaqGaz has joined the UN Global Compact, the world's largest initiative on corporate sustainability and social responsibility.

The UN Global Compact, created in 2000, aims to attract businesses to comply with ten universal principles in human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption activities. Today, the UN Global Compact unites thousands of companies and organizations worldwide striving to improve social and environmental standards.

"Joining the UN Global Compact is an important stage for our company. This strengthens our reputation and confirms the company's commitment to high corporate, social, and environmental responsibility standards. We are pleased to become part of a global community that shares our values, and we hope that our participation will contribute to positive changes," said Sanzhar Zharkeshov, Chairman of the Board of QazaqGaz.

QazaqGaz's membership in the UN Global Compact not only provides access to a network of experts, best practices, global projects, and events, but also enhances the business climate. This, in turn, will bolster stakeholder confidence, improve the ESG rating, and elevate the international reputation of the company.

In Kazakhstan, there is a growing interest in the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. More and more companies are striving to align their activities with international standards. Joining the UN Global Compact is an important step for Kazakhstani organizations integrating sustainable development principles into their strategy and operations.

It's worth noting that QazaqGaz aligns its activities with international standards. The company annually discloses data on its activities in an integrated annual report according to the GRI standard. In December 2023, the international rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics recognized this commitment by assigning QazaqGaz a high ESG rating, placing the Kazakhstani company among the top 10 gas companies in the world.