Human capital

QazaqGaz has a personnel development program aimed at training and advanced training. Every year, the QazaqGaz budget provides funds for training and advanced training of personnel. At QazaqGaz, in accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Main Gas Pipelines, technical facilities of main gas pipelines must be operated by specially trained personnel. Personnel servicing high-risk facilities must undergo training (retraining) in courses specially created by enterprises according to programs agreed upon with local state technical supervision authorities.

Employees undergo training and improve their qualifications both on the basis of training organizations and in training centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professional training and development of working personnel is one of the long-term and priority areas of QazaqGaz’s personnel policy, because The professional level of workers is the most important factor in increasing the efficiency of safe production, increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of work. The company has a developed corporate culture and is focused on sustainable development values. Based on these principles, high standards are established, which make it possible not only to attract new highly qualified personnel, but also to provide comprehensive support to employees already working in the Company.

The Company has the following regulatory documents regulating human resource management processes: The performance of administrative employees is assessed on a quarterly basis (quarterly fulfillment of set goals). Managerial and executive employees are assessed for performance of KPIs at the end of the year QazaqGaz, aware of the social responsibility of business, makes efforts to promote social progress and growth in the welfare of QazaqGaz, the stable development and well-being of the regional population, and improving the level of well-being of its employees. NC QazaqGaz JSC strictly observes the right of employees to freedom of association and conclusion of collective agreements. The main document regulating the provisions of social support in the Company is the Collective Agreement of QazaqGaz NC JSC. The percentage of employees in the Group of Companies covered by the Collective Agreement as of December 31, 2023 was 98%. Trade unions operate within each subsidiary and collective bargaining agreements are concluded with employees.

Mechanisms to increase the diversity of labor resources

Due to the specific nature of production activities, the share of women in the total number of QazaqGaz employees is relatively low. In 2023, the indicator was at the level of 18%. In order to increase the diversity of the workforce, the Company participates in the Women's Energy Club (WEC) under the "Kazakhstan Association of Oil, Gas and Energy Complex Organizations "KAZENERGY".

The system of remuneration of personnel of JSC "NC "QazaqGaz" is based on the principles of fairness and competitiveness, which contributes to the attraction and retention of professionals and achievement of strategic goals of the Company.

As a responsible employer, the Company strives to provide its employees with decent wages. Material motivation of personnel is regulated by the Regulations on Remuneration of Labor, which includes the "Rules for Remuneration of Management and Administrative Personnel" and "Rules for Remuneration of Production Personnel".

The Human Resources Management and Labor Remuneration Department is responsible for planning, monitoring and control of labor remuneration expenditures, for calculating remuneration amounts based on the results of motivational KPI cards, as well as for drawing up and submitting Remuneration Payment Certificates to the Central Accounting Department. Administrative employees are evaluated on a quarterly basis (quarterly fulfillment of goals). Managerial and executive employees undergo assessment of KPI fulfillment at the end of the year.

JSC "NC "QazaqGaz" also carries out annual assessment of employees for further construction of individual development plans. Employees of the Company undergo attestation to check compliance with their position once in three years. No external consultants are involved in determining bonuses and KPI payments; all calculations are made by the Human Resources Management and Labor Remuneration Department. In accordance with the Collective Agreements and internal regulations governing labor remuneration and bonuses for employees, QazaqGaz NC JSC has established unified official salaries, monthly tariff rates and additional payments.

Upon hiring, the minimum amount of the official salary for the relevant position is established. Change of the official salary can be carried out not more than once a year. The salary may increase with the promotion of the position, as well as in connection with the application of the immediate supervisor with the approval of the Chairman of the Management Board.

When terminating a contract with an employee, the Company is guided by the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Compensations upon termination are calculated individually for each specialist based on the concluded contract.

Monthly additional payments depend on the location of work (environmental coefficient for work in the Aral Sea region varies from 20% to 50%) and training results (attestations and tests - up to 20%).

The average salary level of a Company employee is within the average salary range of similar industries across the country.

Rules for Recruitment and Selection of Candidates for Administrative and Managerial Positions at JSC NC QazaqGaz

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Policy against discrimination and harassment