Expert Council

An expert council had been created at NC QazaqGaz JSC, which will provide practical and theoretical support, and will also allow us to develop the most effective and cost-effective recommendations on critical issues posed to the company.

An expert council is an advisory body whose decisions are advisory in nature. The company noted that the management of QazaqGaz NC JSC is interested in holding council meetings on a systematic basis.

The expert council includes the most authoritative specialists in the gas industry, who are competent and independent experts in matters of science, high technology, digital development, production and business.

In addition, the expert council will become one of the important platforms for discussing the new vision of Zhanargan QazaqGaz, which is designed to form an updated strategy for the company.

Tegisbaev Anatoly Oryngaliuly, who has extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, was elected chairman of the expert council. His deputy was Azhgaliev Dulat Kalimovich, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.